How should I start preparing for the Kerala PSC exam?

Before starting you must understand the type of exam you are writing. We recommend dividing the psc exams mainly into two types.
- Matriculation/+2 level exam
- Degree/pg level exam
Firstly the matriculation level exam, for this there is no clear syllabus given by the psc. So you have to study whatever you get to study. Rather than studying new facts, it is recommended to study previous year question paper books published by any institutes you wish.
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Most of the questions asked in these level exams are repetitive. Though a clear understanding of regions in which questions are regularly asked is enough. When saying about English and Maths questions will be simple, less standard than matriculation.
When comes to degree level exam it is a type of exam in which psc test your quality. There will be 10 subjects with 10 questions (10*10=100qns).
The subjects of Kerala PSC Exam
- English
- Malayalam
- mental ability
- Quantitative aptitude
- Information technology
- Facts about India
- Facts about Kerala
- Science, current affairs, constitution.
Study according to the syllabus and no need to study other things than these subjects. Previous year papers are also compulsory.
Then about the materials, you want to study
- Rank file:- Dedicated rank file according to the post for which you are studying.
- Thozhil vartha/ Thozhil veedhi:- weekly coverage of any of these.
- Maths:- We recommend studying shortcuts for this rather than detailed regular study.
- English:- Unlike studying grammar and all study shortcuts for this also. We recommend the books of Ajayan Anayady.
- Current affairs/Malayalam:- Rank file and thozhil vartha or veedhi is only needed.
- Psc bulletin(optional)
Now for preparation, you will need to study a minimum of 3 hrs daily because the level of competition is increased nowadays. Please cover the syllabus before the examinations.
Note:- practice at least 50 mock test and 40 previous year papers before attending the final exams.
If you Practice like these, We guarantee you will be in a rank list below 50 rankings.
Kerala PSC conducts the exam of different hues depending on the post’s desired qualifications and requirements. The fundamental thing to understand to excel in any exam is to get hold of the syllabus of the exam. Kerala PSC’s exams range from lower qualification posts like the Last Grade to the top-notch Deputy Collector.
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The difficulty level of Kerala psc exam
The difficulty level in each of these exams will vary but there will be topics overlapping in the syllabus. Topics such as Kerala Renaissance, Kerala History take up 20% of the questions. As for every exam, you could either go for coaching for these exams or you could study and prepare for these exams yourselves. I attended a Graduate Level PSC exam and did above average and I never had any coaching. Here is what I did,
Bought Thozhil Vartha and Thozhil Veedhi of each week and went through their exam study material. These are essential for topics involving Kerala History and Kerala Renaissance. Besides these are sources for insider information and about upcoming exams. (Rs.24 per week)
Bought a guide. Usually, one guide is enough. Buy one of leading coaching centre and one second to it ( max. Rs. 600)
Go through Current Affairs website to keep yourselves updated as Current Affairs is an important part of PSC exams. ( cost: the time you spent in front of the computer)
Some exams such as Divisional Accountant and others require specific topics such as Elementary Book Keeping. One will have to refer some specific books for these, the details of which are readily available in the Internet. The usual quantitative and reasoning type questions found in Kerala PSC exams are very easy, and they can be mastered by following Thozhil Vartha and Thozhil Vartha regularly as they provide questions papers of various exams conducted by Kerala PSC.
What is the frequency of UPSC and state PSC exams?
Kerala PSC, at present, is not at all in tune with the changing social setup. The level of questions is not in sync with the qualifications of the post. One must adhere to the syllabus and work hard to see through it. Best wishes.